

From daily glassware to optoelectronic technology, glass dates back several thousand years. However, with advancements in thin-film technology glass transmission and field of view properties have been vastly improved enabling usage across more application spaces, including large architectural projects.

Low-emission (Low-E) glass has excellent thermal and optical properties. By depositing a stack of thin-film layers on the glass substrate heat loss is greatly reduced, saving energy and improving comfort. Alternatively, the transmittance of electrochromic glass can be intelligently controlled after depositing ITO, oxides and phase change materials.

VTFMs in-house recycling and refining services guarantee stable supply with consistent quality due to tight control over the starting raw materials and subsequent production steps (VIM, HP, HIP, etc.). This creates a unique position for VTFM to support customers with a closed-loop recycling service of spent targets, thereby reducing cost of ownership.

VTFM has established a target ‘leasing’ program for many metals and precious metals, based on target utilization rates or crediting accounts for the returned metal value according to daily prices, less recycling fees.

Glass Glass Glass
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